◎ 颱風訊息:若台北市宣布停班,健康檢查業務當天暫停服務。

澳洲  、 紐西蘭  、 加拿大
Before making an appointment, please confirm the relevant regulations of each country and what to bring. Please read the following link.
Australia   New Zealand   Canada

The check-in time is 13:00-14:30 (overtime will not be accepted). The examination will takes about 2 to 3 hours. Please check in according to your reservation date and show the reservation success screen. The staff will provide number ticket on site in order.

Applicants can make online appointment three weeks before exam date.

The person who made the reservation is the one who will do the exam. Please do not use other people's information to make a reservation on your behalf. Only one reservation quota is provided for each person. If you want to reschedule, please cancel and make a reservation again. If you are unable to come, please cancel your appointment at least one day in advance. Failure to check in may affect your rights to make future online reservations.